Liminal – Immersive 3D Website



While transitioning from a filmmaker to XR product designer and creative technologist at Liminal, I was given the opportunity to build and revamp Liminal’s official website as my first project.

I aimed for an immersive experience since Liminal specialized in Extended Reality.

UI/UX Design:

Developed the layout and design of the website through wireframing.

Determined the elements involved in the interactive experiences and interactivity.

Utilized WebGL technology to create a fresh-looking and immersive website.

The website was featured and nominated by for the best interactive 3D website.

Content Creation:

Wrote the content for the website.

Worked with an assistant named Parth to assist in the content creation process.

Research and Reference:

Conducted research to gather reference images for the 3D assets used on the website.


Collaborated with the website developer and 3D animator during the web development process.

Coordinated efforts to ensure a smooth integration of the 3D models and website functionalities.
